Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's New at the Green Demon Eco Store?

Our range of Ecotanka Stainless Steel drink bottles are selling so well, we thought it was time to get in some Stainless Steel Thermos Vacuum flasks for winter...which is definitely here!
This great range has been around for so long and is so highly regarded that we had no hesitation in stocking them - they also come with a five year warranty! Beware of cheaper imitations - we only stock the genuine article.

Why stainless steel then?
Well, it is non-leaching and chemical-free, re-usable for decades, and far more durable than plastic - pretty much unbreakable.  If you compare that to a plastic drink bottle you will see that you have two ends of the spectrum... one is very eco friendly and the other, about as bad as it gets.

Have a look at:

We will be increasing the range soon.....will let you know.

Why the name GREEN DEMON and the serious Logo?

We have been asked a few times why the name 'Green Demon', and why such a stern logo?
The Green Demon is the little demon that sits in your shoulder opposite the red demon on the other shoulder.
The red demon is the pesky little feller who drives you to buy products that contribute to global warming, contain chemicals and are generally bad for us.
The Green Demon is the Red Demons opposite - the balance. He makes you listen to reason, urges you to buy green products and live an environmentally friendly life.
Pretty much everyone has a Green Demon these days.. who has not been in a supermarket and thought 'i really should buy the recycled or organic product.....'  - THAT's your Green Demon!
Why does the Green Demon look so serious? 
It's a serious business - gone are the days of procrastinating & indecision, we all know the consequences of continuing to ignore what is happening to our planet. It's action time - START LIVING A GREEN LIFE!

4WD - why drive one in a city?

Ok, this won't be everyones cup of tea, and is sure to aggravate a few people, but I've wanted to have a rant about this for a while...
Why do you need a 4WD in the city? Yes, i know it has all been said before, but i'm not dropping it. Every time i can't park outside school because five of them are taking up 10 spaces, or i have to stop or reverse down a tight road because the 4WD can't get past like a normal car i have to bite my tongue. 
Lets take an example like the Toyota Landcruiser  - one of the most popular and common - not to mention biggest - examples of these ridiculous vehicles.
To take two kids to school do you really need a 4.7L V8 four wheel drive with all the off-road capabilities and massive fuel consumption, difficult to drive and park, dangerous to other road users and far less stable for the occupants in general use.
And the environmental impact is well documented.
Up to say, seven to ten years ago, before global warming and eco issues had really come to the fore you could have been forgiven  - knowledge was limited. However, now there are really no excuses - especially for the manufacturers who continue to make them bigger, which is astounding in the current climate.
I would be interested in hearing from mum's and dad's who drive these, and what their justifications are:
It can't be safety: they handle far worse than a normal car, are unstable and cause massive injuries to others in an accident. 
It can't be economy: They cost a lot more to run and manufacture. 
It can't be performance: they are slow, difficult to handle and park. 
It can't be the environment: they couldn't do more damage if they tried!

So where does this love of large suburban 4WD's come from!?
Answers on a postcard......