Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Weird 'Green'

None of these items are particularly sustainable (well, some are recycled), but they’re not going to change the world or cut your electricity use. That said, sometimes you just need a nice dose of green fun. All of the following items grow some green, but not in typical ways.

flower-pot-ring-that-growsAbove is the quirky Flower Pot Ring by Allison Wells at Paper Snake. Wells makes lots of nice jewelry, besides pots that grow. I’d check out her bird designs.


If you’re going to waste paper for hand out business cards, at least get some that grow when dipped in water!These above do - the Another Bloomin’ Designerbusiness cards by Jamie Wieck. I’m a big Jamie Wieck fan - this artist creates so much cool stuff that your eyes will pop. Visit the site.


OMG Lego Planter! - if your kids have outgrown their Lego sets, why not build a planter with them? Why not indeed…  This is a cool way to recycle toy use. See many more images. Via The Bob Blog.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ice Increasing - Good or Bad (Sky Eco News)

Antarctica sea ice increasing
Antarctica sea ice increasing
Updated: 14:06, Thursday April 23, 2009

Experts say sea ice around Antarctica has been increasing over the past decade.

The landmark British study has found that contrary to popular belief, sea ice around Antarctica is increasing at a rate of 100 thousand square kilometres a decade.

Drilling has also shown that the ice is the most dense its been for 10 years.

But the team are quick to point out that the findings don't disprove climate change, in fact, quite the opposite.

They say changes to the ozone layer strengthened surface winds, leading to more ice production.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Eco Knickers (Sky News Article)

Believe it or not, fair trade organic knickers are selling fast on the high street.

It all began as a student project - but now GreenKnickers looks set to stay.

The undies which are kind to the planet, have proved so popular that the zero carbon pants have sold out and a new wedding range is to be launched.

Sarah Lucy Smith came up with the idea for her final project while doing the Eco Design course at Goldsmiths university.

She then teamed up with her school friend Rose Cleary-Southwood, and GreenKnickers was born.

Sarah said: "We started GreenKnickers to prove that ethical can be funny, beautiful and sexy.

"The fabrics are so gorgeous, and super-duper green.They're selling extremely well.

"Some customers say they're the comfiest knickers they've ever worn."

The knickers are made from environmentally friendly fabrics, like organic cotton, hemp and silk. Goods from abroad are shipped by sea and staff travel by bike.

Each pair arrives in a box made from recycled paper and printed with organic vegetable based inks.

The global warming knickers are printed with thermo-chromic inks, and change colour as they warm up.

There is also a range of cycling smalls with removable padding to encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint.

At the moment GreenKnickers operates online, but Sarah said: "If the business continues to be successful I would love to open up a boutique."

Around 80% of the wholesale value goes to the suppliers.

But at a cost of up to £25-a-pair, plus £3 postage and packaging, you will have to pay the price to do your bit.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Seven News Car Crash Ratings

7 News item:
New tests have shown that small cars come off worse in a crash with big cars. Amazing, who would have thought. The seven news implied solution: forget about the environment, we should all drive big cars and be safer. Did it ever occur to them that if everybody drove small cars you save the environment, and we'd all be safer?
It's simple. Big cars = more fuel, cause more damage to others in a crash. Small cars = less fuel, cause less damage in a crash. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Thermos Food Holders Now In Stock!

New Thermos food holders now in stock - take cooked food to work or school and keep it hot!
Holds 10oz.
Larger 500ml versions on thier way.

Monday, April 6, 2009

New Thermos Products Arriving

Just a quickie as we have been asked by customers when they are coming: 
The kids Stainless Steel food holders, tea flasks (with a it's own internal tea leaf strainer!) and adult-size food holders should be in stock this week - in time for the cold weather! Normal stock arriving at the same time.

Affordable Energy-saving, Ecological and Sustainable Solutions for Home, Business and Education
(t) 02 8003 7339 (e) (w) (p) P.O. Box 281, Balgowlah, Sydney, NSW, 2093

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FACEBOOK: 'GreenDemon EcoStore' BLOG: 'greendemoneco' TWITTER: Follow: 'TheGreenDemon'

Friday, April 3, 2009

Electric Motor Bikes & Scooters

We would like an electric bike/Scooter. 
The Vectrix ( seems to be the scooter of choice, and we hear that a 'proper' electric motorbike is in development as well which has a decent turn of speed. 
We saw and rode (ok, well sat on and went forward for about 10 metres!) a Vectrix at the Melbourne Eco Expo a couple of years ago - pretty impressive but quite large for a scooter
Does anyone own an electric bike or know anyone that has one? We would be interested in your opinions!