Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Youtube Green Demon Eco Store Video Knowledge Bank launched....

We have started up a 'Video-knowledgebank' on Youtube that contains 'how-to's', manufacturers instructions, useful info and more at:

We will be adding to this site (or channel as you tube likes to call it!) as we go, and welcome any videos, links or suggestions as to what we should include.

Happy watching, the Green Demon.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stocklands attempts to kill trade outside it's Balgowlah Totem Centre

Stocklands Totem Centre Balgowlah and Manly Council have decided to ignore their own DA's (342/2010) and go ahead with plans to remove the passageway connecting Sydney road and the new centre, effectively blocking pedestrians from entering the sydney road parade when in their centre.

Stocklands already tried to buy several properties to kill the Sydney Road shops & failed (virtually nobody would sell), and this is another attempt to cut off the retailers in Sydney Road. You can understand Stocklands motivation - they are ruled by 'revenue at any cost', but Manly council is clearly taking a backhander in some form to change the DA. Stocklands have already ignored the DA condition stating that no plastic bags were to be used in the new centre - again, Manly council have let it slide. Who is taking bribes/favours in Manly council!? The Manly Daily is running a story on 28.01.10 - keep an eye out!

Don't let Stocklands get away with killing Sydney Road Retail - email '' quoting DA 342/2010 and object to the 9 studio apartments they are planning to build (with no parking so those residents will all be parking on the local streets) at 360 Sydney Road.
Having already banned the centre staff from parking in the massive half-empty car park (another DA reversal!) it's going to get even more congested.

Otherwise you will be left with no Sydney Road Retailers & a shopping centre full of Macdonalds & cheap chains, as only chain store retailers can afford Stocklands rent - several unique shops have already left and have been replaced. The future of this centre has to be a 'downgrading' of expectations from 'A' cost retailing to 'C' cost retailing.

The connection between Sydney Road and the Totem centre serves both sets of retailers as pedestrian traffic is two-way. There is only one reason to block this connection - so Stocklands can remove the competition. Don't let Apathy ruin Balgowlah just when the high road is coming to life with new unique businesses - help us make a stand and contact the council.